Juan Ignacio Fulponi

economist - data scientist - researcher

About Me

Hello! My name is Juan Ignacio Fulponi and I’m an economist. I have experience in data analysis, dashboarding, data viz and geospatial structures in R and Python with huge data streams. I worked in various public sector entities and in numerous private sector companies, strengthening teamwork skills and working under pressure. Recently, I have been involved in large research and consulting projects through the Inter-American Development Bank and the University of Buenos Aires.

I also love to play basketball and I cook gorgeous barbecues. I live in Argentina but I am available to move immediately to another country, something that I would love to continue developing my professional career.


Mobility patterns in Latin America

Dashboard link

Data partnership between Facebook, the University of Buenos Aires and the Inter-American Development Bank.

I started this project through a partnership with the University of Buenos Aires but we quickly realized that Facebook mobility data needed to be processed and analyzed in a more dedicated way. This is why he joined a consulting project at the IDB, working full time on the development of the dashboard and the reports for each of the cities involved. Machine learning and statistical mechanisms were used to estimate mean distances and origin and destination matrices from the raw data with R and the dashboard was created in a Shiny environment. This information is now part of CAF’s Urban Mobility Observatory. I have learned many skills through this and been I’m very proud of having this in my portfolio.

Traffic congestion and Uber, a geoespatial analysis

The Uber Team contacted me to make a empirical research to know if there is a statistical relationship between Uber trips and traffic jams in Buenos Aires.

During this project, I have used a lot of geocomputational tools in R and SQL to homogenize both Uber and Waze spatial databases. Once I had the final dataframe, I built a xgboost model that predicts in which area of the region the jam is. This demostrates the structural differences between the City and the suburbs. Then, it is compared with the behavior of Uber trips throughout the entire region with various statistical tests such as correlation, logistic regressions and other machine learning classification models. The study concludes that there is no statistical relationship between Uber trips and congestion in Buenos Aires.

Drought and Flood Loss Assessment System

Dashboard link

This project was created in conjunction with the "Socioeconomic Vulnerability Assessment" research group of the School of Economics of the University of Buenos Aires and with the support of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

The model uses machine learning to predict trend production under a scenario of normal climatic variability, from which extreme deviations in yields or area losses are evaluated that are consistent with extreme climatic events, such as severe to extreme droughts and floods affecting large areas. From this point, the variables of production and harvest loss can be geolocated and an analysis dashboard of the final results can be created.

LOGIOS LCC and Electric Buses in Panamá

Dashboard link

Another data science project.

In the middle of the pandemic I was involved in this lovely little project in which I joined a group of engineers to do market analysis and project valuation for the implementation of electric buses in Panama. Some tasks I have done:

1) Comprehensive economic analysis linked to transport and data issues.

2) Elaboration and processing of large databases.

3) Composition of dashboards for tracking electric bus routes in Panama in Shiny.

4) Machine Learning in R.

Side project - Bondis (buses) in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Region

Dashboard BONDISAMBA link

A lot of times we create some solutions for problems that not exist (yet) because we need to keep the brain in movement.

I love the governance of public data. I am very interested in how governments or big companies generate public information that can be processed, transformed and contextualized. In Argentina we have tons of public data but only a few “data communicators” or… data influencers? Social networks are not only for memes. I love to share some graphs or analysis of topics I like. For example, I have made a Twitter bot that tweets every hour the status of the bus system in Buenos Aires. The bot compiles public information from the Buenos Aires City Government and generates some interesting variables such as quantity of buses that are circulating above max speed. This data can be viewed in the Shiny dashbard too.


INDEC - National Institute of Statistics and Censuses

Product Owner

November 2021 - April 2022


Taking some processes of the Argentine public sector to the 21st century.

Approximately twenty thousand sheets of paper were printed each month in order to compile the construction price index at the Argentine National Institute of Statistics. Until I arrived. The modernization process in which I was in charge made it possible to eliminate several unnecessary and rudimentary tasks. The forms that companies used to fill out manually are now scheduled emails. The program for uploading prices created in 1993 in the Clipper language has been replaced by a beautiful Shiny application. Everyone knows that working for the Argentine State usually has obstacles and complications, but even so, approximately 25 hours of handwork per month were replaced by 143 lines of code in R!

School of Engineering - University of Buenos Aires

Professor and Researcher

January 2022 - Present

Data Science Course Syllabus

Teaching and resarching about transportation in Argentina with a quantitative and statistical approach.

One of my tasks at the University of Buenos Aires is to teach a course on data science applied to transportation. In this course, I explain how to use R to make geospatial operations like any GIS software and how to use advanced statistical models in georeferenced databases. In addition to this, I am dedicated to researching new models and theories that can be applied to the transport sector in the region.



June 2021 - October 2021


Economist + Programmer = Econoprogrammer

In Alphacast I had a lot of tasks related with cleaning and organizing the data from a lot of sources. Some of them were:

1) Creation of Python scripts for data collection from various official and unofficial sources.

2) Cleaning and homogenization of bases.

3) Data analysis.

4) Construction of bases and SQL management.


School of Transportation - University of San Martín

MSC. in Transport Public Policy and Planning


Studying and exploring the problems of a sector with many deficits typical of a developing economy.

At the University of San Martín I not only perform as a postgraduate student but also carry out research tasks. It is an area where I am constantly developing theoretical and practical concepts applied to the transportation area, with a strong presence of data science.

School of Economics - University of Buenos Aires

Degree in Economics


Thinking about the economy from a modern point of view and generating links with research, teaching and volunteering.

Without a doubt, studying economics in Argentina is a great challenge, especially since everyone knows but no one understands. Beyond the macroeconomic theoretical developments, it is necessary to study each one of the productive sectors to understand the economy as a global system. From the middle of the degree, I made every effort to study transport economics and contribute my grain of sand, both from an academic and teaching point of view. I graduated with a general average of 8 and a thesis graded with 10. The thesis is titled "Traffic congestion in the City of Buenos Aires: an economic analysis of its causes and consequences".

Scientific Publications

  1. Fulponi, Juan Ignacio (2022). Traffic congestion in Buenos Aires: diagnosis and public policy recommendations for a more sustainable city. AIIT 3rd International Conference. New Scenarios for Transport Infrastructure and Systems: Transition to Inclusivity, Resilience and Sustainability. Paper approved to be presented on September 15 and 16, 2022 in Rome, Italy.

  2. Fulponi, Juan Ignacio (2021). The socioeconomic costs of road accidents: an estimate for the City of Buenos Aires. Work approved to be presented at the XVIII Argentine Congress of Roads and Traffic in Mendoza.

  3. Fulponi, Juan Ignacio (2016). Back to basics: The Creation of the Central Bank of Argentina in context. FACES. ISSN 0328-4050. The work was originally presented at the 9th Annual Award for Economic Research “Dr. Raúl Prebisch” of the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic. Available in http://nulan.mdp.edu.ar/2537.

  4. Fulponi, Juan Ignacio (2016). A brief analysis of the impact of the PRO.CRE.AR on construction activity and on national and local employment (Mar del Plata-Batán). Communication presented at Jornadas de Economía Crítica, 9, Córdoba [ARG], 25-27 August 2016. Available in http://nulan.mdp.edu.ar/2510/.

  5. Fulponi, Juan Ignacio & Lupín, Beatriz (2015). Application of differential equations in the Samuelson-Solow version of the Phillips Curve. Paper presented at the XV Page 3 National Conference on Technology applied to University Mathematics Education. IADCOM. CABA, 25-26 June 2015.

  6. Roveretti, Mariano Joaquin; Atucha, Ana Julia; Lacaze, María Victoria and Fulponi, Juan Ignacio (2016). Productive strategies and economic results in marplatense horticulture between 1993-2012: an input-product analysis. FACES, 22(46), 9-27. ISSN 0328-4050. Available in http://nulan.mdp.edu.ar/2515/.

  7. Roveretti, Mariano; Atucha, Ana.; Lacaze, Maria Victoria; Fulponi, Juan Ignacio (2015). The problems surrounding the Sustainable Rural Development Program of General Pueyrredon: immediacy or graduality in the application of current regulations? Paper presented at the IX Interdisciplinary Conference on Agricultural and Agroindustrial Studies, Faculty of Economic Sciences-UBA. CABA, November 4, 2015. Complete work published in Anales de las Jornadas. Available in http://nulan.mdp.edu.ar/2414/.

A Little More About Me

Alongside my interests in data science, research and economics some of my other interests and hobbies are: